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MathFeud is a fun and challenging game where you can put your mathematical skills to test. Play online against your friends or random opponents.  Or play against the offline simulator.

The game is easy to learn, but can be hard to win. The objective of the game is to get the most points by forming mathematical equations made by placing numbers on the board and connect them together with operators.

A few tips for a great game: Drag and drop numbers and expressions to the game board. Remember that you can form up to two-digit numbers in each field, and that you can form multiple un-connected expressions in one round.  Go for fields that multiply your score, and put your highest number there.  Rules can be found in the app.

MathFeud is available on the Android platform through Google Play.  Follow the links below and choose between the free or the paid (ad-free) versions. There are no functional differences between the two.

So what about you iPhone users out there?  Well – don’t be surprised if a iOS version pops up the future.

Do you have any feedback to us, the developers?  Go to the contact pages and send us a note. We’ll be happy to answer any question you might have.


 Free version of MathFeud:

Android app on Google Play


Or go to the paid (commersial free) version:

Android app on Google Play